Resource Library
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Important Information For Clients
Please note due to continuous port congestion in combination with long waiting time for trucking companies, surcharges will apply until further notice & Charges may vary depending on the individual terminal.
Trucking Shortage Memo For Clients
Antidumping & Countervailing Duties (AD/CVD)
(AD/CVD) List Of Products From The People’s Republic of China
Downloadable Forms & Documents
Important! Please read the following instructions carefully.
- Click on the “Download Document” button for the required form. The form will open in a new tab.
- You can click inside the fillable shaded fields and type the required information directly into the form.
- On the top right-hand side of your browser bar, you will see a “Save” or “Print” button/icon.
- Once the forms are correctly filled out, save or print them by clicking the save or print button/icon.
- Complete signatures, affix seals and notarization if required and fax or email them to Profreight.
- Alternatively, you can also use the popular and free Adobe Acrobat Reader to fill up and print these forms.
- You can download and install Adobe Acrobat Reader free from the following link Get Adobe Reader.
- Click on the “Download” or “Save” button to save the form on your computer and then open it with Adobe Acrobat Reader.
- When opened in an Acrobat Reader these forms can be filled by clicking and typing directly in the required field.